A Primer on Making Your Customers Work for You
“93% of consumers say online reviews impact their purchasing decisions.”
- Podium, 2020
A survey report says that only 3% of consumers consider salespeople and marketers to be trustworthy. The result? Businesses turn to customer reviews to market the truth about their products and services. Customer reviews are written evidence of a business’ products and services. This applies to any business regardless of the size. Potential buyers look for reviews during their purchasing process to understand how the product works and if it is worth their money.
On average, people read seven reviews before deciding to trust and buy a product. With the advent of online review sites and social media, testimonials and recommendations are now easier to find than ever. Let’s take a look on how to make this work for you.
Reviews help you understand why consumers buy your products. These reviews can allow you to improve on those pain points, add value to your services, and build an awesome purchasing experience for all your customers. Nitro Impact offers services that can help you harness the power of customer feedback to fuel your business growth. Send us a message today.